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Library Policies

This page provides information on Library policies, guidelines and other pertinent information to assist library patrons in their use of the Tulare County Library. The documents on this page were created with the Local, State and Federal laws, American Library Association Positions and Public Policy Statements, and standard public library policies, practices and procedures in mind.

Loan periods, renewals, limits, and holds

Fees the library charges

Information and process that is in compliance with applicable federal, state, and local laws regarding the confidentiality of all library patron records

Information and rules on the expected use of the library by patrons

Approved by the Tulare County Board of Supervisors on December 17, 2019, this was developed to comply with the Library's materials selection policy

Federally mandated policy to help protect children when using the Internet

Rules to provide fair access and describe the procedures used to enforce the policy and guidelines

Approved by the Tulare County Board of Supervisors, regulates the Library's Internet Policy

Materials Selection Policy

(Resolution 82 2033-Tulare County Library Policy

The criteria used to select and place books, periodicals, media and other materials in the library

Describes the criteria used by staff to determine whether donated items are added to the library's collection

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