June 9, 2017
Policy and Guidelines
Library Use Policy & Courtesy and Behavior Guidelines
Tulare County Library Use Policy
The Tulare County Library supports free and equal access to information and use of our libraries by all individuals without discrimination, intimidation, or invasion of privacy. The Library’s branches provide space for members of a diverse community who use our locations for access to Library materials, computers, the internet, studying, reading, research, programs, meetings, and events. In line with our mission the Library is dedicated to providing customer-centered service that is friendly, courteous and respectful.
Tulare County Library
In order to fulfill the mission of the Tulare County Library, the Library will:
Provide a welcoming environment.
Provide a safe and secure environment.
Maintain a healthy and comfortable environment.
Protect Library property.
Tulare County Library patron
In order to ensure the above, patrons using our libraries are expected to:
Respect the comfort, space, and safety of fellow Library patrons and staff.
Follow Library policies, procedures, guidelines and instruction of staff.
Abide by all local, state, and federal laws.
Inform staff, when your experience in the Library is found to be uncomfortable or unsafe.
Courtesy and Behavior Guidelines
1. Welcoming Environment
Respect one another's personal space and privacy.
Be aware of noise levels, respect quiet areas, and do not disturb others.
Leave pets at home. Pets should not be brought to the Library. If unavoidable, pets should never block access to a Library when left outside. Trained services animals required for disability assistance or animals part of Library programs are allowed.
Pick up and carry your skates, skateboards, balls and other equipment.
Respect staff and volunteers’ time when they are working, especially when busy and at closing.
Dress in clothing that includes shirts and shoes.
Respect nearby business and residential neighbors.
Keep Library entrances clear.
Engage in activities associated with the use of a public library while in the building. Avoid loitering in the Library or on Library grounds.
No smoking of tobacco products or vaping in the Library or within 20 feet of Library entrance.
Mute audible electronic devices, including cell phones, music devices, etc.
Use headphones, etc., at a low volume, so others cannot hear.
2. Safe and Secure Environment
Follow Library policies, procedures, guidelines, and instructions.
Return to the desk when requested by staff to correct transactions and assess security issues.
Children under 8 must be supervised at all times by a family member or caregiver 14 years or older.
Adults must be accompanied by a child to remain in areas designated for children.
Obey all applicable federal, state, and local laws.
Park and lock up cars, motorcycles, bicycles, etc. in designated spots outside.
Do not
Touch staff, patrons, or their property.
Leave your personal items unattended. The Library is not responsible for loss or theft. Items left in the Library unclaimed will be given to charity or discarded.
Bring weapons on Library premises. Authorized law enforcement personnel and Library security excepted.
Download, print, view, or cause others to view material that violates federal, state or local laws, policies, or regulations, or cause children to view pornographic material.
Solicit, panhandle, proselytize, or gamble in or around Library property.
Trespass or enter Library property while banned.
Run, push, fight or shove.
Harass, threaten, or abuse anyone, physically or verbally; this includes, but is not limited to, sexual and racial/ethnic abuse.
Use profane, obscene, or abusive language, including racial, ethnic, or sexual, including sexual orientation-related, epithets.
3. Healthy and Comfortable Environment
Keep Library furniture in the area where placed.
Leave Library lights untouched.
Do not
Block aisles or walkways.
Be loud or disruptive.
Display or engage in sexual affection or activity.
Use skateboards, balls, etc., in an unsafe manner when on Library property.
Come into the Library emitting odor(s) that travel farther than 6 feet and which interfere(s) with comfort, safety, or use of the Library. This includes odors caused by cologne, cigars, trash, recyclables, or unwashed clothing.
Be under the influence of or use/abuse alcohol, marijuana, or any illicit substances. This includes the abuse of prescription or over-the-counter medication.
Use the Library restrooms, facilities, or grounds other than intended. This includes, but is not limited to, bathing, sleeping, camping, and child daycare.
4. Protect Library Property
Clean up after yourself and the children in your care.
Food and drink are discouraged, especially around equipment and Library materials. Drinks are only permitted in containers with secure lids.
Do not
Steal, mishandle, damage, or attempt to damage Library property including but not limited to books, computers, or furniture.
Interfere with Library operations.
Violate copyright laws, licensing agreements, or site policies.
Violate library policies, procedures, rules, or guidelines.
Library staff and local law enforcement will intervene in a fair and reasonable manner to stop prohibited activities and behaviors. Individuals who fail to comply with the Library Use Policy may lose Library privileges, be banned from the Library for a period of time, or be subject to arrest and/or prosecution.